Tips & tools for the mood: Disconnected to the divine


You feel a need to re-connect with your higher self again. You may experience a feeling of discomfort, you may not feel at home, or you may always long to go away. Longing somewhere, but dunno to what or where…

Simply, longing to come home to yourself, to your soul. You want to hear your inner voice but you feel a disconnection in your heart. Too much in your head, and too little in your heart.


  • Sacred Haze - Spiritual Oil Blend - Let the transformative blend bring you into a state of divine connection and inner relaxation. Tap into your sacred space and let it support your third-eye and deepen your intuition.

  • Cosmic Water - Crystal Aura Spray - Take a dip in the cosmic water and let it support you to connect to the highest spiritual vibrations. When you want to come back to your true essence and clean your aura to connect with your higher self


  • Chill, wind down, spend time alone, hang out with your soul. (This is not lying on your sofa and scrolling through your phone).
  • Decrease multitasking to be more mindful and present with your activities.
  • Meditate. Meditate. Meditate. Tune in to your soul. Simply be still and silent. Listen. All answers are there. The question is, are you willing to be quiet and slow down your mind?
  • Do what sparks your spirit. It may be things such as dancing, rituals, being intimate, deep conversations, spending time with nature, journaling etc. 
  • Reflect;
    • What do I do to listen to what my inner voice has to say? 
    • How does it feel to connect with my higher self?  When do I feel it? How does it feel? 
    • What’s one thing I can do that will increase my presence in my everyday life?
    • What makes me feel alive? How often do I do that?
  • Connect with your soul family.
  • Cut the mind stimulators and decrease screen time. Go back to what really matters. Life zooms over fast. Make sure to spend your time wisely.


    I choose to take care of my soul and I know that I have all the answers I’m looking for, within me. That’s why I’m listening to what the divine has to say. It’s there waiting for me, for my presence, for my devotion.

    I’m guided. I’m supported. I’m loved. I simply have to show up, show up for my spirit.

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