Current energies: Mercury retrograde = give your mind a holiday. Jupiter shifts into Aries = a burst of self-love.
Do / Dont's: A retrograde period is always a time to slow down, to reflect, to listen inward. Mercury retrograde is all about giving your mind a break, so that the voice of your heart can be heard.
Match with Souli Blend: Mama Forest Spiritual Oil Blend
Tap in & connect with the energies: What is the sensation and emotion beyond my thought? Mercury retrograde is a powerful period to hear the voice of your heart.
You need a notebook, colorful pens, and meditative music of your choice.
Close your eyes, sit with your thoughts, and notice how they come and go. Now imagine that just like drops of rain you are not the raindrops, equally, you are not your thoughts. Notice your thoughts, now try and become curious about what is happening beyond the thoughts. Take your notebook and colored pens, draw your inside, what shape and color is the emotion beyond your thoughts? Finally, can you ad a sensation to your emotion? Is it cold, warm, spiky etc?
Let's deepen. Here is a full description for the current vibes:
On Tuesday the 10th planet of communication goes retrograde until the 3d of June. I invite you to take some time off during these weeks. Time off when it comes to letting your mind believe it knows what's best for you. When a planet is in retrograde its energy changes, the retrograde affects its forward motion having the planet operate on a different frequency = asking you to listen inward. A retrograde period is always a great time for resting and restoring. A time to intergrade what you have gone through lately so that you can move forward with new insights and energy. Because Mercury rules over communication, be aware that miscommunication can occur, always double-check information, and travel plans, and back up important data.
On Wednesday Jupiter shifts into Aries, this marks a full lap through the zodiac wheel for Jupiter. This occurs every 12th year. Aries gives Jupiter a new boost of energy, fire, motivation, courage, and last but not least self-love, independence to believe in oneself. Jupiter in Aries is a preview of what we will experience more of during 2023, because Jupiter will remain here for a big part of the year. Jupiter will stay in Aries until October when it retrogrades back to Pisces for the remaining of 2022.
On Friday the sun will conjunct the north node in Taurus. The sun is your authentic self, the way you naturally are supposed to shine in this life. The north node is where we are all heading, our hearts' longing. We can all expect an activation of our collective souls path under this conjunction. Taurus inspires us to rewrite our values so that they support ourselves as well as our planet. Ask yourself, do you feel worthy of all the beauty life has to offer? Do you allow yourself to enjoy the sweetness of life?
On Sunday Venus is going to conjunct Chiron, this meeting is going to focus on healing deep heart wounds. Venus is your feminine, beauty, creativity, and pleasure. Chiron is the wounded healer, an asteroid that is also the key to your most beautiful light; via meeting the painful energy of Chiron you will unlock this within yourself, note that the glyph of Chiron is shaped like a key.
Next week on Monday we have the second eclipse of the season; a total Lunar eclipse (fullmoon) in the sign of Scorpio. The Eclipse occurs at 25 degrees, influenced by the courage of Aries. Among other things, the eclipse will carry the energy from this week's sun conjunct north node and Chiron conjunct Venus. Eclipses are BIG, if you are feeling off, weird, or crazy trust that it is all happening for you. All about the lunar eclipse next week.
Mantra for this week: My thoughts are spells that in time becomes my reality.
- Sofi Karlsson.
This beautiful Astro Check-In, is written by the Sacred Astrologer Sofi Karlsson - @sofiandthemoon. For further guidance around the current energies, on a deeper personal level, she offers lovely personal readings. I did one by myself and wow it was truly amazing. If you are curious, send her a dm.
AND! She will give 15% off her 'Ist time birth chart reading', for all Souli customers. You get the code through us, just send me a DM or email, and I will help you out
xx Lisa