An astrological energy update, for week 14.

Current energies: Test of faith; Mars conjunct Saturn, squaring the north node. Dare to be all that you can be, break free, reshape your destiny and follow the spiraling, intertwining pathways of peace, love and wisdom.

Do / Dont's: You might feel as if your faith is being tested. If you are experiencing struggle + resistance, pause. Try and get an eagle perspective of the situation.

Match with Souli Blend: Sacred Haze Spiritual Oil Blend 

Tap in & connect with the energies: By giving yourself a moment of reflection. "In what areas of my life am I noticing negative cycles repeating themselves?"  

Be in a space that feels calming, bring your notebook and pen. Optional tarot or oracle deck, and you may want to bring your fav warm drink. Give yourself a few deep breathes and, if you have one, use the blend to leave your mind and tap into your heart. 


  • In what areas of my life am I noticing struggle?
  • How would I like to move through my days?
  • Are there any emotional patterns, related to unwanted events in my life, that I am noticing are repeating themselves?

Finish by pulling 3 cards, for extra guidance.. One card for present time, one for future, one for advice; advice toward the future card.

Let's deepen. Here is a full description for the current vibes: 

We just had the Aries new moon kick of spring for real. This week is a good time to start to move your new moon intentions forward, as the moon gets visible again. We are now in the peak period of the Aries sun season, it is a time to be brave. Aries is also all about self love. What is it that is important for you this week, in what ways can you challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone? How can you make space for some self care? And don't forget to make space for a bit of rest too, Aries is fire and action. We are just in the beginning of spring and you don't want to burn out. 

On the 5-7th the planet of karma (Saturn) + planet of passion (Mars) meets @22 degrees in the sign of Capricorn. While these two planets meet they also create a square to the north node, this is a calculated point that holds our destiny. This is a big energy that is going to affect the next coming 2 weeks. You might feel as if your faith is being tested. If you are experiencing struggle + resistance, pause. Try and get an eagle perspective of the situation. You are not meant to force anything that is for you. You are an inspiration, a free spirit unrestricted by traditional thinking. Dare to be all that you can be, break free, reshape your destiny, and follow the spiraling, intertwining pathways of peace, love, and wisdom.

Saturn is one of the more challenging planets and so is Mars. The cycles of karma are related to Saturn, so now is a good time to break those cycles. Mars gives you power + courage to get it done. Stop and learn the lesson so you can move forward. A unique response to a repeated problem is needed. You have all the time you need to understand the patterns in your world, (Saturn also governs time). You also have the power to change them. There is no need to endlessly hit repeat. 

Someone, perhaps the universe is trying to tell you something. This week, pay attention to the subtle energies around you, omens in all different shapes and sizes. The negative patterns from your past - from your childhood, in your relationships, in your career- are escapable.

Mantra for this week: All I need is within me right now.

- Sofi Karlsson.

This beautiful Astro Check-In, is written by the Sacred Astrologer Sofi Karlsson -  @sofiandthemoon. For further guidance around the current energies, on a deeper personal level, she offers lovely personal readings. I did one by myself and wow it was truly amazing. If you are curious, send her a dm.

AND! She will give 15% off her 'Ist time birth chart reading', for all Souli customers. You get the code through us, just send me a DM or email, and I will help you out

xx Lisa

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